Friday, February 8, 2013

Let the classes begin!

On Tuesday, the group from St. Cloud State, so, including me, got to sign up for our classes.  For the most part, I am taking the same classes I would take in St. Cloud, for example, Media & Society, South African Political Economy and Contemporary South African Politics and Policy.  I think it will be really cool and exciting to start classes here and just be in a new environment, but what I am most excited about is one class in particular.  A few friends and I signed up for an introduction to Xhosa class, and for those of you who are unfamiliar, Xhosa is one of the national, native languages here.  If your struggling to pronounce it, it is pronounced (Ko-sa).  Im not sure how many of you have heard, but there are languages in Africa that have clicks in some of the words, which is what Xhosa is.  I think that yes, it will be something difficult, but it is also something different, something new, that will honestly teach me something I have never done before, which is what this trip is all about.  Chances are, when I interview for a job someday, they will not ask me if I know Xhosa, BUT, its all about the experience and thats what matters.  I am really looking forward to doing something completely new, and to be honest, kind of a challenge!  Im sure I will have lots more to say about this subject, and if you still curious about what Xhosa sounds like, youtube it!  Its pretty fascinating!

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