Friday, February 8, 2013

Addo Elephant National Park

Yesterday, myself, my roommate Heidi, and two other friends, Andrew and Amy, went to Addo Elephant Park, just a little ways outside Port Elizabeth.  We hired a tour guide to pick us up right at Annies Cove, take us to the park, and guide us around.  We saw SO MANY cool things!  Elephants, Kudu, Water Buffalo, birds, Zebra and Jackal!  It is impossible to explain how amazing an elephant is in real life, just the mere SIZE of them is amazing!  It felt like a dream just seeing them, especially so many of them.  Although we saw a lot of cool wildlife, there were some things we didnt see such as lions and Black Rhinos.  Those animals seem like they would be common, but they are actually really hard to spot and they dont like people, so they avoid roads and tourist spots.  Overall though, it was a blast, and it was amazing to see such different, diverse wildlife!  I have pictures up of everything we saw on my facebook, so check it out!

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