Monday, March 25, 2013

Stellenbosh Wine Tasting

On Saturday night, we trekked a short distance outside of Cape Town to an small city called Stellenbosh.  It is world renounced for wine tasting and its vineyards.  We visited two winery's, Neil Ellis and Camberely, both of which were extremely nice, hospitable, beautiful, and reasonable.  To taste 8 wines at each, it was R25, so about $3!  We also ordered a meat and cheese tray at Neil Ellis, and it was so DELICIOUS! The wine was defiantly good, and it was interesting to try all of the different types as well as learn about how the wines were made, how long they were aged and the history behind the different wines.  Overall, we had a really good time, just laughing, tasting wine and hanging out with each other!

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